


Dr. 贝克尔加入了圣. 2009年在可以买滚球的正规平台毕业. She also worked as a speech-language pathologist in the inpatient hospital setting for 26 years.

Dr. 贝克尔 teaches primarily teaches graduate courses, 包括吞咽困难, 获得性语言和认知障碍, & 运动言语障碍. 她也教语音学, 健康职业探索 and served as a co-instructor for 声音和共振障碍.

Areas of interest include acquired, neurogenic disorders, particularly swallowing disorders. Dr. 贝克尔 earned and maintained board certification in swallowing and swallowing disorders for 10 years, 在医院工作期间. 她对临床问题充满热情, including the delivery of person-centered care and evidence-based practice, 在苛刻的, 快节奏的医疗环境.

下载博士. 贝克尔的简历 (pdf)



  • PhD, University of 爱荷华州, Speech and Hearing Science
  • MA, BA, University of Northern 爱荷华州, Speech-Language Pathology
  • Certifications: Board Recognized Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (2011-21), 直言不讳, MBSImP认证

Watching students who put their heart and soul into everything they do throughout the MSLP graduate program, 成功地成为有能力的人, confident and passionate speech-language pathologists!

Dr. 是什么激励了她


贝克尔,维. "终生的吞咽困难,爱荷华交流障碍会议, 4月15日, 2021(邀请虚拟演讲)

芬恩,M.内瓦雷斯,G., & 贝克尔,维, "Productivity Requirements for Speech-Language Pathologists Working in Healthcare: The Impact on Therapists and Patients," October 2020 爱荷华州 Speech-Language-Association Annual Convention (Virtual poster presentation)

芬恩,M.内瓦雷斯,G., & 贝克尔,维, "Productivity Requirements for Speech-Language Pathologists Working in Healthcare: The Impact on Therapists and Patients," November 2020 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 圣地亚哥, CA (Convention canceled) (Poster presentation)

贝克尔,维. "Employing Best Practice: A Clinical Review of 吞咽困难 Updates Across the Lifespan" Quad Cities Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 5月7日, 2020(邀请虚拟演讲)

侯爵,K & 贝克尔,维. “语言病理学家的自信”, Preparation and Experience with Providing Services to Children with Tracheostomy Tubes in the School Setting" 爱荷华州 Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 得梅因, 爱荷华州, 10月16 - 17, 2019(海报展示)

雷切利斯,H,瓦格纳,A & 贝克尔,维 "Job Satisfaction for Speech-Language Pathologists: Medical versus School-based Setting," 爱荷华州 Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 得梅因, 爱荷华州10月16日至17日, 2019(海报展示)

Chaney, S, Schwendinger, A & 贝克尔,维. "The Weekend Dilemma: A Survey Regarding Weekend Staffing and Instrumental Swallowing Assessment Practices", November 2018 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 波士顿, 马萨诸塞州(海报展示)

韦林,P,克鲁顿,C & 贝克尔,维. "The Impact of New Onset of Aphasia on Discharge Setting From the Hospital" November 2018 Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 马萨诸塞州波士顿市(海报展示)

Wilson.Rehmert, J. & 贝克尔,维. "Performance on Two Variations of N-Back Tasks in Young Adults" 2017 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 洛杉矶, 文书助理(海报展示)

安杜哈尔J. & 贝克尔,维. "Training and Detraining Effects of a Lingual and Labial Resistive Exercise Regimen on Lingual and Labial Strength, Speech and Swallowing in an Adult with Chronic 吞咽困难 and Dysarthria" 2017 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, 洛杉矶, 文书助理(海报展示)

贝克尔,维., "Evidence-Based Practice: 吞咽困难" Quad City Speech-Language-Hearing event, Bettendorf, 爱荷华州, 5月25日, 2017(特邀演讲)

巴尔J.贝克尔博士.休斯,B。.卡尔伯,S.哦,H.S . Seetharaman., & 特鲁希略K. "Making Best Choices As We Age," Center for Aging presentation, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台, April 28, 2017 (Presentation)

贝克尔,维. "Providing Valuable 吞咽困难 Services in Today's Health Care Climate.爱荷华交流障碍会议, Cedar Falls, 爱荷华州, 2015 (Invited Presentation)

Locricchio K.Schieferdecker, C. & 贝克尔,维., "Modified Barium Swallow Study Research" Genesis Research Summit, 6月18日, 2015, 阿德勒教育中心礼堂, 达文波特, 爱荷华州(演示)

戴维斯,R,庞塞,C., St. 彼得,我., & 贝克尔,维. "Speech-Language Therapy via Telepractice for Two Adults with Aphasia," 爱荷华州 Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, 10月24日, 2014(海报展示)

贝克尔,维. & 努力工作,我., "吞咽困难"(Chapter 54), A Comprehensive Guide to Geriatric Rehabilitation, 3rd, ed.,考夫曼,斯科特,巴尔,莫兰的文本 & Wolf, Elsevier, 2014年10月(出版)

Rohman K. & 贝克尔,维. "Four Protocols for Eliciting Tongue-Strength Measures Using the 爱荷华州 Oral Performance Instrument," 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention, “芝加哥, 伊利诺伊州(海报展示)

凯伦,P.贝克尔博士.莱因哈特,J. 范·戴尔,D. , "Computer-Assisted Assessment of Hyoid Bone Motion from Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies,“吞咽困难, 2010年12月25日(4), 298-306. (出版)

贝克尔,维.图斯,L. & Lemke J. (2008). "An Oral Water Protocol in Rehabilitation Patients With 吞咽困难 for Liquids" American Speech-Language- Hearing Annual Convention presentation, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州(演示)

更多关于博士. 贝克尔




Call Committee member, 第一路德教会, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州 (October 2016-present)

First Lutheran Women Vice Chair, 第一路德教会, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州 (January 2016-present)

First Lutheran Women Council Representative, 第一路德教会, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州 (2017)

Facilitator, Interdisciplinary Day, CHHS programs, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台2017年4月

新教师导师,St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(连续第三年)

Center for Teaching Excellence Advisory Board, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(2015年至今)

Center on Aging Committee, MSLP Representative, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(2015年至今)

申请人上诉委员会主席,圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台(连续第五年)

Passing on the Faith committee (a ministry for college-age members), 第一路德教会, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州(2014年至今)

President of Congregation, 第一路德教会 council, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州 (2015)

Higher Learning Commission Criterion 2 Subcommittee, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(2014-2017)

健康职业探索 Course Committee, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台(2014)

Vice President of Congregation, 第一路德教会, Maquoketa, 爱荷华州 (2014)


Member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Member of the 爱荷华州 Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Member of the Quad City Speech-Language-Hearing Association




Center for Communication and Social Development, 1310 W. 愉快的圣.
邮箱:518w. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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